Why clarity should be every writer’s top priority

Let me begin this post as clearly as I can, knowing that the later paragraphs will invariably (for I have already written them and know) diverge, get muddy, lose themselves. I'll be clear: Good writing must be readily understandable. Clarity of expression should be a writer's foremost goal. Artistry of language, implied meaning, symbolism--these things... Continue Reading →

Personal Style, or Set in Our Ways: The Importance of Change and Holding On–#AuthorToolboxBlogHop

This week's post is part of the monthly Author Toolbox Blog Hop. Check out other participants' posts here. The #AuthorToolboxBlogHop is a great way to connect with other writers and build our own repertoire of craft knowledge alongside. Check it out! A wonderful professor of mine, Deborah Appleman, once told me that life is a... Continue Reading →

Anatomy of a Metaphor

An update Three days after my last post, it was announced the school would close. We are sending students home. Last week's heartbreak is compounded. On Wednesday, we celebrated an early Graduation for the second-years. Each day since then, our numbers have been whittling. There are some students who cannot go home. Borders open up... Continue Reading →

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